I'm still attempting to get back into the swing of things after an incredibly relaxing vacation last week! I have to give a huge thanks to Anne at the city sage for bloggysitting for me while I was gone! Not to mention the awesome little send off post she gave me. Thanks girl!

I promise not to go overboard with photos from the trip, but I thought I'd at least share a few that you might appreciate...
My favorite detail from Erin's wedding - the striped straws that matched my striped heels! I'm not giving away any more photos from the beautiful day though - I'll leave that to her amazing photographer, Jose Villa! (*shoes from H&M - so cute. so cheap)
A very coco+kelley moment. I couldn't resist snapping a pic!
Hammock time! Our friends who stayed after the wedding in Cabo with us had a cute little patio off of their room at an adorable bed+breakfast. I stole the best seat in the house. Plus, this is an obvious excuse to show off my linen zebra shorts.  (Remind you of any infamous domino mag hallway moments? Yeah, I know. how very rooms from runway of me!)
And finally - the house next door to our friend's bed+breakfast. I was drooling over the potential of that rooftop patio. Heck, I'd even keep the paint color! I'm fairly sure it was abandoned (although you never can tell) and was tempted to snoop around more, but decided that probably wasn't a great idea. What I wouldn't give to do a little c+k renovating on this one!

Alas, I'm back to reality and a very full inbox of emails, so I'll be keeping it light this week as I spend a few days catching up before I head to LA for the Legends of La Cienega event!


*update! since so many of you asked - the shorts are forever21. no joke. now go out there and get your own pair! they're fab.