Wedding Wednesday {Signed, Sealed, Delivered}

Did I tell you guys the story of our wedding invitations? (I promise, promise, promise the big reveal of all the wedding picture details is coming very soon!)

Well, I got very ambitious with our invites - I'm a self-confessed paper addict and just couldn't resist the temptation to go all out, with letterpress,  with envelopes within envelopes, with custom stamps, individualized labels and envelop liners. Handmade envelope liners. Done with my hands. For hours. And hours. And hours.

mr boddington

No, those are not my results (oh how I wish they were!). Let me tell ya, my results...may not have been worth all the work! If only I'd known about Mr. Boddington's Studio and the stunning options envelope options they provide! That's where those stunners are from.

And don't even get me started on Mr. Boddington Studio's invitation suites. I've died and gone to graphic design heaven.

4-preppy-wedding-invites-with-a-twist vi snippet and ink
boddington 5
spotted via snippet & ink

Are you drooling all over your keyboard yet?

I'm desperate to design another invitation suite. I just need a proper event. A Sunday brunch warrants it, right?! How about happy hour with the girls? Too much? Come on people, when did Evite take over the world?!