Happy {Jet Setting} Weekend

Wowz, what a week it's been! And this weekend I'm off to Portland {for the day!}, planning a few parties, getting some MUCH needed girl time with besties and hosting out of town guests. Phew.

4-25 via who what wear

If that wasn't enough, I've been a bit of a busybody in blogland too! Here are the goings on, in case you missed it:

~ My design skills are being tested at South of Market. It's not too late to vote for my entry {purdy please!}.

~ If you'd like to get to know me a little better, check out "My Stuff" at Diary of a Lovely.

~ I shared destination wedding planning tips along with more pics of our nuptials on Green Wedding Shoes.

~  Today, the uber-fab Joslyn at Simple Lovely is featuring a list of my latest favorite things.

~ And last, but certainly not least I'm excited to introduce amazing new Apartment 34 sponsors. Each of these shops have mad style. Be sure to stop by Cutting Edge Stencil, Moop Handbags and Pretty Mommy and Comfort &Samuel to doublecheck my judgement!

I hope you find a bit of downtime for yourselves this weekend. If you have a little extra can you throw some my way?!

Till Monday luvies,
*Mrs. E