This is a delayed happy weekend note from yours truly, but I wanted to spread my glee at having returned from Mexico to find that my little spread in the May issue of Sunset Magazine has arrived!
The article is all about my favorite shops for outdoor entertaining in Seattle. Unfortunately, I think the piece may be regional, so many of you may not be able to find it in your own issue of Sunset, but I was overwhelmed by the congrats I've received so far, so thank you all for your sweet Facebook notes and emails! Also, a big thanks to photographer Jose Mandojana for such a great shoot.

As for me... I'm still dreaming of sunsets like these...
Mexico was an amazing trip and I'll share some more snaps from my travels soon, as well as a few more Series Submissions coming up next week from our potential contributors! You all left some great feedback last week, and I hope you'll continue to come by for the next (and final, I promise!) round.
