This wasn't the post I had planned on today, but my still-on-vacation brain decided to forget my laptop at work yesterday, prompting a brief heart attack when I returned home. I think it may have been a blessing in disguise as it forced me to briefly steal my boy's laptop (yes, we have matching ones. his is black. mine is white. guess who's the practical one in the relationship?) and hop over to some blogs that have been missing in my life lately. Which is where I stumbled upon this apropro editorial...
The languid light is a stark contrast to my post yesterday - sort of how it feels to be back in Seattle with whispers of sunshine peeking through clouds and temperatures that have forced me back into my boots and jacket..
I'm not thrilled about the chill in the air or the fact that summer weather likely won't arrive here for at least another two months...
But in the meantime I can daydream about beautiful layers of soft linen, pair my shorts with cozy sweaters, and don just enough sparkle to provide my own shine as I wait by the window for the sun to reappear...

*photography by david bellamere via i know what you wore last season