Say Ahhhhhhh

My dears - I'm so sorry, but I must say good-bye a bit early this week.

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While the blogging world has such a glossy surface, under it all the seas can be rather rough. In what seems like an ever-growing swell of sameness it feels harder and harder to keep your head above water and work to maintain an authentic voice.

I read a quote recently that's stuck with me:

"Great style means always having a point of view ~ and never being mediocre."

Spoken by a woman with a strong vision - Deborah Lloyd of Kate Spade. But it can seem easier said than done. So I'm going to take a little time to invest in the things that ground the way I see the world both online and off: my sweetheart, dear friends and good wine!

In the meantime, here are a few of my recent blog discoveries to tide you over while I'm away - I think you'll love their unique points of view just as much as I do.
~ Honey Kennedy
~ Luster
~ Butter + Brass
~ Size too Small

Till Monday luvies,
*Mrs. E

image  by rosie hardy via brown dress with white spots