Tasty Tartine

I'm in love. And I've got it bad. It's a day and night type of obsession. I'm opining. And suffering major separation anxiety. What is the object of my affections you might ask? My puppy? My husband? Truth - it's a bakery.

Tartine Bakery to be exact.

My passion for this place is such that is was the first destination I beelined to the moment the huz and I touched down in San Francisco last week.

tartine book

The opportunities to fall in love are endless. Bread pudding, croissant, banana tart, and morning buns - oh my! I'm head over heels. Each bite makes me weak in the knees and craving more.

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The possibilities are seemingly endless. I know your perfect match can be found there too. Perhaps you'd prefer Black Berry Tart with Rose Geranium? You can attempt these things of wonder on your own if you dare!

Tartine's Blackberry Tart with Rose Geranium
2 cups whole milk
4 large fresh rose geranium leaves
1/4 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cub butter, cubed
1 1/2 cups heavy cream, whipped
one 9 inch pre-baked tart shell
2 pints blackberries

Instruction details here

PS. I might have to cheat on my darling bakery with Bar Tartine, the lovely restaurant the bakery owners also run. The blood orange anise aperitif was a perfect way to start another culinary love affair!

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cookbook cover image by france ruffenach via amazon and the rest by me!