Happy {It's My Party} Weekend

Well my dears, I haven't wanted to make much of a to-do this year but it is, in fact, my birthday weekend. We're keeping things nice and low key this time around though.

collection06 amy claire
sweet31 kiss the groomsweet21 elziabeth messa
rue preview
image {1} amy claire images {2},{3} by elizabeth messina, {4} rue magazine

I will take advantage of the excuse for toasts with bestest of friends, spa dates and general birthday-girl laziness with the huz. Oh and as an added birthday bonus I'll be working on a special little project involving a certain online pub...more on that soon, I promise!

And of course I can't resist sharing the birthday joy with you, so be sure to check back first thing Monday - the party will still be going strong!

Till Monday luvies,