Well, I hope this isn't too anti-climactic for you all... but it's certainly an exciting change for me! My big announcement? I'm moving back to Seattle!

photo via greg kadel and flickr

While I'm not quite ready to leave the LA sunshine and all the wonderful people I've met here, the opportunity has presented itself to pursue my dream of having my own little home store, and I'm taking it! I can't divulge all the details yet, but I will definitely be sharing more with you as I can.

And, while I take time off to start up this big project, I'll be taking on many little other projects along the way (shameless plug: if you need an interior designer or event planner, let me know!). I'm so excited to have the time again to do the things I love in a city that I really have missed. The best part? I'm SO getting a pair of these right after I get home...

wellies polaroid here

With a little trip to Montana this week for a wedding, plenty of boxes to pack before the end of the month, and a lot of friends to say goodbye to, forgive me if my posts get a little sporadic. I'll try to keep up the best I can... and in the meantime, look for a lot of new pieces in my Etsy shop, and more updates along the way. Seattle, here I come!