A Blogger's Roadtrip!

As most of you know, this Friday I'll be taking off to move back to Seattle! I've been packing all week, I'm stocked up on snacks for the car, and my girl Erin will be heading down to help make the drive with me! So now, there's only one thing missing...

We need an itinerary.
We were going to stay with a friend in San Fran, but she's now heading to NYC... so the road map is open, and we're looking for suggestions! So, for those of you between LA and Seattle... where should we go? What should we do? Any suggestions for places to shack up for a night? Hidden gems off the beaten path? (Ok, not toooo far off because we have a schedule to keep...)

Would love to hear from any of you!!

And just as a side note... how much do you love Kate Spade ads? I think this one is my favorite...