Inspiration Contest at Apt#34!

My girl Erin over at Apt#34 is holding a little contest... and I'm the prize!

Here's the story: Last year Erin was ready to revamp her adorable home in Seattle, and asked me for my help, which is how Apt#34 was born. Then she met a boy, fell in love, left her apartment, and is now stuck with the task of creating a home in suburbia that both of them can live with. An even bigger project if you ask me!

Then, inspiration struck when I stumbled on this room that I thought would be perfect for this challenge...

I think it combines Erin's love for mid-century styling with that cozy lived-in feeling that really makes a new space feel like home. She loves it too, so we're taking this room and running with it, but we need your help! For all the details, pop over to her blog and check out the rules (and the prize!).