
Everyone, today is an exciting day.  In honor of the big announcement that coco+kelley is returning to Seattle, we are embarking on a little inspiration contest here at Apt#34! 

I have been banking inspiration as I attempt to nest with the s.o. and Cassandra is my constant resource.  In fact, she provided the ultimate inspiration that I now present to you, in the form of a challenge. In my hunt for the perfect blend of masculine and feminine, clean yet lived-in, neutral and still warm decor, Cassandra found this stunning room.

I haven't been able to stop staring at it since. And now this is where you come in!

The Homecoming Contest

I'm putting out a call for inspiration boards based on the room above. Other than that there really are no rules. You can resource furniture, lights, colors, flooring, anything you wish. Design a bedroom, bathroom, dining room, living room. Whatever your heart desires.

Here is Cassandra's initial inspiration board  to get you started.

I'm already clicking purchase to pick up those pillows!

chandelier and chair: www.jaysonhomeandgarden.com
pillows & throw: Thomas Paul, Koko, Missoni www.pillowsandthrows.com

And here's the best part of it all - the prize for all your hard work! The winner will receive a very special something indeed - a little design consultation from Cassandra herself! Have a decor dilemma and need a little direction? Cassandra will provide the winner with a complimentary inspiration board on a room or event of their choice! And, who knows, with Cassandra back in Seattle to help me decorate, maybe the winner will also see their ideas for my home actually implemented on Apt#34!

So what would you use to create your ideal room?  I cannot wait to see!!  

All you have to do is email your ideas to me at apt34blog [at] gmail [dot] com.
*Submissions due by September 22
*Please include a brief description of your room and the elements within it
*Please source all photos
*Include your name and where you are from

I will pick finalists from the submissions and announce a winner the week of September 22!