
I have reached a major milestone in my life.  My significant other ( heretofor known as S.O.) and I are moving in together!  More specifically, I am moving in with him.  Don't get me wrong, I love my little Apt. #34 but there just isn't space to accommodate the addition of a 6'5" man and two 70lb dogs in 475 sq ft.  So I will be taking up a new residence.

Please have no fear - I am not abandoning the ongoing project that is Apt. #34, nor is the blog going away.  All will continue.  There is still much work to be done!   And now I have the joy of adding a 1972 split level, that hasn't been touched since 1972, to my list of decor dilemmas.  This could go on for years people.  So Apt. #34 is certainly not going anywhere.

The S.O. and I are great together and I am so excited to wake up in our home everyday.  But...when it come to the meshing of the things it's mid century mod meet overstuffed brown leather.  Eek!

This is where you (and coco+kelley!) come in.  I have my aesthetic and the S.O. has his.  When combining two households how do you not only combine things, but merge style?

I've found a couple of examples of what I might describe as androgynous design.

I could easily cuddle up in something that looks like that.

i can't remember the designer, can you?

I love clean and uncluttered bathrooms.  I've never had one, but I love them.

While I love the look, it lacks a little warmth.

If worse comes to worse I could always just put flowers everywhere!

But seriously, any examples of male/female friendly decor out there?  Tips to combining design styles?  This novice needs help people!