Friday Follies

There are so many things that caught my eye this week, I couldn't pick just one so I decided to share them all.  Enjoy!

I have but one wedding to go to this summer, but it is just the excuse I need to wear this gorgeous Castle Starr dress.   

found here

If I had one room I was forced to live in for, well, ever, I'd happily move in here.

found here
And if I had a pink fridge I'd want it to be this one.

found here

And if I had something in my pink fridge I'd want it to look as pretty as these do.

found here

And if I were to ever be someone other than myself I'd want to be a French girl.

found here

But since it is finally Friday and the sun is finally shinning, we have no other choice than to do the dance of joy!

Have a dance-tastic weekend!