The Kelley

About a week ago I did a brief post on Coco Chanel and the ways she has inspired me in my blog (since I'm officially celebrating my one year anniversary!). And, now, it's time for the other source of inspiration: Ms. Kelley L. Moore.

Unless you're in the Seattle scene, you're probably wondering... who IS this chick?

Kelley is a 'lifestyle expert' - Seattle's own Martha Stewart, but cooler. She writes monthly features in Seattle Magazine, where she dishes out entertaining advice on everything from the invitations to the parting gifts...

And puts together a mean tabletop... (yes that's her home!)

She also has a regular spot on King 5's Morning News, and released her first book Cube Chic in 2006.

My first job out of college was working for Kelley at her event company, Red-Letter Day. For nearly three years, she imparted upon me her passion for entertaining, style, and design in every aspect of life. Even after I moved away from event planning, she still called on me to help with fun little projects, like this spread we did for Seattle Magazine for 'A Day at the Races'. One of my favorites!

Kelley taught me the importance of details and personality within design, and helped me to discover my own style. She also proved to me time and time again that hard work and dedication will get you everywhere...

In fact, one of my very favorite quotes from Ella Fitzgerald says it perfectly:

"Don't give up trying to do what your really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can ever go wrong."

Kelley is the the personification of this sentiment. She has been a friend, mentor, and 'sister' (no, we're not related, but we get that a lot). Kelley, thank you so much for being a true source of inspiration in my life and here's to your continued success and being an inspiration to many others! And, if you want to see more of Ms. Moore, check out her own blog and her favorite things and idea lounge for more of her great tips and finds.