Ok, Ok! I'll Do It!

I was originally tagged last month by Stacy at la budoir and have since had a few others ask me to join in on this survey, so I'm FINALLY obliging :)

1) What was I doing 10 years ago?

This was me 10 years ago - a cheerleader at Juanita High School in Kirkland, Wash. (For the record, I also was a drama nerd, in the choir, wrote for the school newspaper, was on the yearbook staff, and played tennis... but yes, I bounced around in a short skirt for a good solid year.) I love this photo because our uniforms were super old-school. They were originally designed when the school opened in the 70's and we kept the design until a few years ago! The adorable blondie to my left is none other than Lyndsy at Yellow Brick Blog. About this time ten years ago, we were graduating high school and getting ready to head out into the world!

2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today?

I can't think of a more boring question. Um... here we go...
1) Schedule a hair appointment with my friend Jamie (coincidentally she is the cheerleader in the top row, far right) because my mop is out of control.
2) Take in my dry cleaning and get some pants hemmed (I'm so short!).
3) Blog blog blog blog blog.
4) Work out, because it's officially bikini season!
5) Mani/Pedi!! (This probably won't get done today, but I need one before the weekend, as I have some out of town guests coming, and we will be hittin' the town!)

3) Snacks I enjoy:

Addicted to Trader Joe's trail mixes, love me some apples and peanut butter, and of course a little wine and cheese... or wine and chocolate... or just wine...

4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire:

What WOULDN'T I do? I'd pay of my student loans. I'd travel. I'd make my coco+kelley wishlists a reality! Maybe buy a few homes? I've always wanted a flat in Florence, a cabin on Whidbey Island, and a cute little house in Manhattan Beach.

5)Places I have lived before:

Always did prefer the beach towns: Venice Beach, CA to Kirkland, WA growing up.

Spokane, WA for college (Go Zags!)

Moved out to the big cities: Seattle, WA to Los Angeles, CA

6) 5 peeps I wanna know more about:

Well, ok. Here's the deal ~ I don't mind doing these quizzes, but I'd rather know some more interesting things, so I'm going to come up with my very own annoying survey to tag people with! Stay tuned... you might be 'it'!