Boy Meets Girl...

This weekend, Erin is heading off to Portland for some time with her boy... but I know that some serious shopping is on the list as well, since they've just merged their homes and my girl is in search of inspiration for keeping her boy's style, while infusing her own.

E ~ this room is for some shopping inspiration while you head to the state of tax-free purchases! (woo hoo!)

This room might be my new favorite. I was saving it for a little Room of the Week inspiration, but thought she could use it now :)

So... what do you think? Girls, could you live with this? And boys (if you're out there), could you??? Personally, I think it might be perfect. A cozy fireplace, high ceilings complete with gorgeous beams, a little desk for Erin's obsession with that category, and great texture. Maybe switch out the plaid bedding (a little too Ralph Lauren/college boy for me!) for something a bit more feminine, and I'm good to go on this room!

(Room via desire to inspire.)