Late Summer Sunshine...

I will never tire of sunshine... and late summer sunshine might be the very best kind. I think it feels something like this...

via flickr.

And this...

My favorite time is the evening, when the sun is filtering in through the blinds, making you want to curl up on that little sunny spot of the couch, close your eyes, and soak in the last of the warmth, knowing that summer will be leaving us soon.

And when I do, I will throw this over my bikini...

I've always had a love for cozy oversized sweaters that let you feel the cool evening breeze run through them. (The fact that she's wearing it backwards? Even more awesome.)

So in an effort to truly relish the last month of summer, I may be doing less posting, and more of this...

german vogue via f.a.d.

Don't worry, luvies, I promise to be around once a day... I'll just be spending more time in the sunshine and less in the glare of my laptop :)