Can You Feel The Buzz?

One of the biggest trends on the runways for the Resort shows this year was neon...

A buzz that the interior design world is apparently feeling as well, with accessories like this pillow from Unison

Of course, neon has been on the catwalks since last season's collections, with pieces like these...

Here's a cool buzz connection. Designer Jenni Kayne said of the stunning Tom Binns necklace on the right, "I live in Tom Binns' jewelry and this particular piece is just amazing. I love that it's jet black but then it has that touch of fluorescent which makes it so new and interesting." Hmm... perhaps Jenni took a bit of inspiration from her fave jewelry designer for her neon and grey dress on the right?

Pillows from Bliss Living.

While I haven't seen a lot of spaces incorporating neon (and doing it well) there are a few. I'm still on the hunt, so I'll share them with you soon!