Friday Little Things

I haven't been very good on posting my 'little things' for the week every Friday. Maybe it's because the little things in my life these days have been fairly big things or moments that simply cannot be captured by a photo. But, this week, I have one! It's been making me smile every time I get in bed...

Remember when I posted my series of pink rooms early last week? I promised that I was working to try and incorporate a bit of it in my own home. Wellll.... I found the most perfect pink linen pillow cases for my bedroom! Now I'm working on the rest of the decor in there since the colors the were in the bed are now on the couch. I'm thinking of doing oranges/peaches/pinks? Or maybe just keeping it clean and fresh with whites. Hmmm... what do you think? Any colors you've been inspired by lately to match this fresh palette?