Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Summer is the time for sun, fun, and TRAVEL.  But alas, here I am chained to my desk and living vicariously through others like Jo and her fabulous trip to England, Anna and her just-started trip to Paris, or Vanessa and her pending trip to Italy.

I have been lucky to have traveled quite a bit in my life and I am heading back east in a few weeks. In the middle of August.  Help me. 

I am so craving the excitement, the adventure, and the hotel rooms of international travel!  Danielle at The Style Files is helping me out of my stuck at home blues.  She regularly posts about beautiful people, places and things from all over the world, but the Bill and Coo hotel on my favorite Greek island Mykonos totally has me daydreaming. 

Again with the minimalist, but it just looks so divine.

Perfect tropical punch of color.

Oh how I wish an all white bedroom were practical.  

Check out more photos here.  Or even better just get on a plane and go now so I can live vicariously through you!