Necessary Objects

So it's done.  I've made THE MOVE.  I will no long call Apt #34 home.  It is now "the condo" and home is *our* home.  Me and the s.o.  Things went relatively smoothly considering that in the first hour he observed aloud "wow, baby, you have a lot of stuff."  Which is probably true.  Try as I might, but I tend to be a keeper.  I promise I'll show some sneak peaks when all the "stuff" is out of the garbage bags (yes, I moved using garbage bags!) and commingled a little bit more.

Now I like my decor like I like my fashion, interesting, layered, textured,  but with an edited simplicity.  The s.o. takes simplicity to another level.  It's definitely male-minimalist.  Which from the outside I really appreciated.  No clutter, no excess.  But now, from the inside, I'm finding I need a little bit more.  

As I survey my piles I find myself wondering what is an absolute necessity when it comes to decor and, perhaps even more importantly, creating a home? Where do you find the you in your "stuff"? 

mgoc minh ngo

I actually love the look of the art and books on the floor.

This is certainly minimalist but even with only a few pieces of furniture and miniature details like the teapot and the flowers, it doesn't feel incomplete.

I love the subtle texture of the shag rug, the cloth on top of the sideboard and a few personal items in view.

I also have a love of bookshelves. They let you see found treasures on a daily basis.

ngoc minh ngo again

A bookshelf like this is like a choose your own adventure every time you look at it.

Adding dimension and depth and juxtaposition, ala the room by Thomas O'Brien, suddenly deepens a space.  It creates nooks and crannies for you to cuddle up and burrow into.  I like feeling enveloped when I walk into a room, like the room is gently hugging me.  

But, I also want to respect the balance.  I want to mesh, and truthfully, accumulate less.  

I'm curious, what do you find necessary and what can you live without?