The Big 1-0-0

I'm jumping for joy (in some hot YSL shoes) because today marks Apt#34's 100th post!  

It all started when cassandra and I thought we were going to renovate my cute little condo. Now the apartment is no longer pink (the radiator still is) and I no longer live there!  

You see, life did as life does.  It has taken me in an entirely new direction. Now I have the decor challenges of the combining of the things with my s.o. and even more challenging, the combining of the style aesthetics.  At least I have a lot more square footage to play with this time!

I'm continually amazed by how fun it is to blog about what's caught my eye, what I'm contemplating, or who is inspiring me today.  Most often it's something a reader, a lurker or one of the fan favorites bloggers that I deeply admire have uncovered, so for that I thank all of you. Apt#34 was great fun while I lived there, it's been great fun sharing it with you and I can't wait to see where I, and this blog, go next.  

I do hope you'll come along.

It's going to be great!