Introducing... The Renovation of Apt #34

Ok, so we don't have a catchy name for this weekly feature yet, but what we do have is an amazing little apartment in Seattle being renovated by one of my best friends.

Erin loves fashion like I love interior design. She's Elle, I'm Elle Decor. And each of us find inspiration in the other. So, when I need to find the perfect shoes, I go to her for advice. And when she decided it was time to renovate her place, she came to me. And we both decided that the best idea we've had in a while is to capture it all on a weekly weekend posting!

The 'dining room'. Kitchen doorway to the right, reading nook to the left.

Here's the scoop. Erin's place is a 475 sq ft with one bedroom, one bathroom, a small kitchen, and a little living space. The great hardwoods and decorative detailing give the space character. The wallpaper does not.

The bedroom with one random lone wall sconce.

Starting today, the renovation begins. It will continue every Saturday where we'll follow this project from beginning to end, asking you for advice, ideas, and maybe even a little constructive criticism :)

So, let's get this party started! Without further ado... Erin's first post!

There once was a girl who lived in a raspberry, or maybe a watermelon, you be the judge. All I know is it felt like I was living in Candyland and that had to change. However, being a first time homeowner, this is virgin territory - you mean I actually get to (have to?) make every decision on myself? Paint colors, flooring choices, lighting... I just opened a Pandora’s box of décor. Thrilling but also overwhelming.

I now have so many questions to answer, so many options to choose from – like a friend recently likened to me, its like planning a wedding – you have the overall vision for what you want the final product to look like but the devil is in the details.

The Adventure Begins: To Wallpaper or Not to Wallpaper?

Closeup of wallpaper in the bedroom.

That is the Question. The answer: NO! Please dear home decor lovers, do not torture the inheritors of your handiwork with the misery over removing some pattern you probably put up on a whim. No one puts up wallpaper and doesn't regret it later. Patterns are meant for pillows, seat coverings, perhaps the occasional piece of pop art, but not the entire wall (or apartment!)

Time to tear it down!

After more than 16 hours of steaming, tearing, pulling, and picking with my freakin’ fingernails I no longer live in Candyland. Instead I'm now in a construction zone, looking at bare sheet rock otherwise known as a blank canvas!

The bedroom with its chocolate brown trim.

The reading nook ready for inspiration.

Now the question is, what to paint?

I’m looking for a combo of clean and classic on the rocks, shaken with some warm and inviting, with a twist of chic to top it all off. But this is a huge decision – this is the foundation of every other choice I make going forward. Neutrals? Tans? Blues? Greens? What about trim? What about contrast, juxtaposition, uniformity. HELP!

So the first question is... if you were me, where would you start?