Pop Art. Literally.

I have a confession to make: I love pop music. Really bad pop music. The songs that are catchy and sung by the utterly talentless and play every 27 minutes on the local cheeseball radio station? I love them. Britney Spears may be insane, but damn her lyrics are hilariously awesome (I'm Miss bad media karma, Another day another drama, Guess I can't see the harm, In working and being a mama...) Yeah, Brit... I don't think it's the 'workin' and being a mama that we're all worried about...

Anyhoo... when I saw these pop art posters in all their pop lyric glory at Airside Shop I had to share.

Yeah, I'm sick of the song too, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hang this right above my bar... (And, for the record, I do think the girl's got talent - I just wish she would EAT something. We'll talk about her hair another time).

Last night a DJ saved my life. Who doesn't want to wake up after a night at the clubs and see this poster? Now, if only the DJ would bring me a gallon of water and a bottle of Advil...

And then there's this classic. And so patriotic looking! "I'm a hustla baby... I just want you to know..." So, you might not want to place it right above to the needle-pointed "God Bless America" pillow in the living room... but I'm sure you'll find a place for it.