Seattle Shopping!

Returning to the Los Angeles sunshine from the rain in Seattle has put me in the mood for Spring (in case you couldn't tell). But, before I forget, I wanted to share a few finds from my shopping excursions up north. I wish I had had more time to explore a few places that have popped up since I've moved from the city, but one space that's always good for some unique finds is Fremont's Deluxe Junk.

The store is just what it sounds like - loads of 'junk'- but the good kind! What I was most blown away by were the chandeliers they had - all under $500, and in fabulous shape!

They also had this cute little set of stools that, if I had need for, would have definitely come home with me to be recovered and shined up! (Especially because they were only $22 each!)

The other store I had to stop into was ReStore in Ballard. Full of salvaged items, they have an amazing collection of old windows, doors, locks, doorknobs, and more! I went there to see if anything there would work for my dad's restaurant, and came upon these great pendant lamps...

Unfortunately, they're too big to go over the bar, and with only two of them, there was no other space I could use them in.

Another great find? A set of these bar stools (apparently, I'm into bar stools and lighting).

They were in amazing shape, had some seriously cool tufting on the back, and a very midcentury base. We're still considering using them for the restaurant, but they're just a bit bulky for the small bar.

The other amazing piece I reaaaaally wanted to find a place for in the restaurant was this huge fireplace (seriously, it was almost as tall as me!).

Couldn't you just see it being used to frame a bench for seating, or storing loads of wine bottles? I'm still trying to convince my dad on that one too...

If you make it to Seattle anytime soon, put these two places on your list for sure! I'm also adding these stores highlighted in today's Daily Candy to my list. If any of you Seattle ladies have check these out, let me know!