With God As My Witness...

When I was at an age when any normal little girl should have completely lost interest in a movie as long as "Gone With The Wind," I remember sitting on the couch in the living room, home sick from school, watching the ENTIRE THING. I was captivated.

I wanted to be Scarlett O'Hara in all her sassy, pouty, ridiculous, tantrum throwing, adulteress, fashionable glory. (Which really explains a lot about me, actually...) But more importantly, I loved that scene where she determinately tore down those curtains and crafted them into a lavish green velvet gown that (if I recall correctly) somehow managed to save Tara.

Think about it. This could be the original 'Rooms from the Runway' moment! Except in reverse of course...

So what's my point?

Well, friends, I'm starting a list of 'must see' movies that have nothing to do with plot (although that certainly helps) and everything to do with visual inspiration. They can be classics or fresh out in the theater, but I'm interested in knowing... what movies have inspired you? Marie Antoinette would certainly top my list. A more random selection would be Meet Joe Black... the whole movie had a certain Gatsby-esque quality to it that I just can't resist. So, help a sassy, pouty, ridiculous, tantrum throwing, adulteress, fashionable girl out. What's on your list?