Rialto Renovations

Ten years ago, my dad started his own little restaurant in Seattle - Rialto. After years in the industry, we were all so excited to see him build a place all his own! Located in Greenlake, the small space has become a neighborhood favorite, serving up old family recipes from Southern Italy as well as new favorites.

Sadly, all good things must eventually end. The space that my father has built into a huge success is being torn down for (surprise) condos with street level retail. So, we're embarking on a new adventure... Rialto II. The paperwork is almost done, and we are about to close in on a space in Fremont that (to put it nicely) needs some SERIOUS renovating. This is where you come in, dear readers.

I've never designed a commercial space, but I am incredibly excited to tackle this project! I'm collecting inspiration where I find it...

I like this kind of look... except we don't have the exposed brick. I want something warm, a little 'industrial', casual, with personal touches and pieces reflecting Italian culture. I want you to feel like you just walked into a little hidden Italian restaurant in Florence. Unpretentious, with the focus being on the food and the experience. And, I'd like to try and make it a bit more original than the space above.

If you've got any inspiration, please send it my way! The first two things I'll be looking for are lighting and flooring... but first I want to really come up with an overall look. Thoughts, resources, your favorite neighborhood spots... all are appreciated :)