Radiator Solutions

My bff Erin over at Apt #34 and I are obviously on the same wavelength because just as I was about to email her to ask when she would be posting on her radiator issues... she did.

This is her radiator, and - due to the ridiculous cost of taking it off, painting it and putting it back on - it's staying that horrible dusty rose pink. So - we need a solution, people, because unfortunately it can't look like this.

Coincidentally, today I received a comment from Claire on this post, noting how the radiator was covered by a shelf, and partially hidden by the table and chairs as well.

This would definitely be one option for Erin's place. Building a shelf over the radiator, and then screening it off somehow might just work! Especially if she found some amazing vintage screen to cover it up underneath.

Just to give you an idea of the space we're working with...

It's basically a small reading nook area next to her dining table. The doorway leads to her bedroom. If you have any other creative ideas for hiding a radiator that don't involve painting, let us know!