Hearts All A Flutter

Speaking of stores that build their own image...

I got a surprisingly fresh email yesterday from Cindy at the beautifully eclectic store Flutter in Portland, OR.

All I can say is WOW! The next time I'm in Portland visiting friends, you better believe I'm stopping by this space.

If you can't already tell by the photos, Flutter describes the shop as "...one large international boudoir, but with a bit of taxidermy and oddities to break up the girliness."

LOVE IT. A break from the girliness is always good - especially when the surprises are as cools as these!

Working at a store that houses plenty of taxidermy has actually given me an appreciation for the vintage pieces... we had a little duck once that I completely fell in love with, and this guy is just as cute!

Stunning little display of fanciness.

I also pulled a few pieces from their website that I was drawn to...

Love the mix of colors in this mohair hook rug.

Talk about original pieces - how cool are these mushrooms? Inspired by originals found in a French museum, I think these would be a whimsical installation for the right home.

What a gorgeous pop of red this would be for a hallway, or on either side of a bed!

Flutter also carries an amazing line from designerFrocky Jack Morgan whose fairytale deconstructed pieces seem to fit right in with Flutter's aesthetic.

I absolutely love this look. If you're looking for an orginal, artsy, one of a kind wedding dress, I'd start here!

I can't wait to see the store in person the next time I'm in Portland! Thank you again Cindy for the email ~ this space is truly inspired.