Tangents in Blogland

Have you ever had a moment driving somewhere - your course completely mapped out - and then you get to a detour sign, or hit some awful traffic, and you think, "Hmmm... I think if I go down this other road and through some obscure neighborhood, I'm pretty sure it'll set me out right where I want to be..." And off you go on a little adventure.

Sometimes, you end up driving through a part of town that makes you want to roll up your windows, lock your doors, and say a little prayer. And sometimes, you end up in the most adorable neighborhood ever. So much so that you want to park your car, knock on a door, and ask if you could just maybe possibly move in to the carriage house in the back please? (Welcome to LA, by the way).

Well, this blog post has nothing to do with neighborhoods. But it does have to do with tangents. Many times, maneuvering the streets of blogland, you end up clicking through to some hideous blogs featuring crazy HGTV crafty explosions, and you indeed want to roll up your window and avoid eye contact.

Other days, you click... and you find inspiration. Then you click again... and again... and before you know it you've stumbled upon some of the most beautiful decor, photography, fashion, (insert obsession here) you've ever seen.

Welcome to Tangents in Blogland. From now on, whenever this wonderful moment happens upon me, I will post it... because, really, it's too good NOT to share.

So here we go - Tangents in Blogland - the inaugural post...

Last week, I was browsing through some of the new blogs I've recently added to my blogroll, and came upon this post at Nibs featuring gorgeous photos of greenhouses... which happen to be a bit of a random obsession of mine...

I've always wanted to have one. Get married in one. Host garden parties in one. Something. And, I then, I sat there thinking... where did this obsession start? And, I'm pretty sure it was here...

The Volunteer Park Conservatory in Seattle.

When we still lived in LA growing up, my family used to go visit my grandmother in Seattle, and I'm fairly certain we made a trip here because I have a very fuzzy memory of it that obviously stuck with me. It's a beautiful park, featuring the Asian Art Museum, little wandering paths, and surrounded by the eclectic Capitol Hill neighborhood, so if you're in Seattle, go check it out.

Anyways... here I am searching around for photos of the gorgeous conservatory, and I stumble upon these...

A-MAZING wedding photography from John & Joseph Photography, and their blog which featured those shots in the conservatory above and much much more...

... like these very cool, Vanity Fair spread worthy bridal party shots. (My bride-to-be friends... take note!)

Crafty compositions like this reflection-in-the-rear-view-mirror moment.

And, of course, pure wedded bliss.

Which reminds me...

My friend Ashley from high school now owns a successful photography business of her own - One Thousand Words Photography.

And she's got the beginnings of her own website right here at Ashley Delatour. AND, I want those pink poppies for my wedding (we'll just tuck that away in the 'someday' file...).

Tangent complete - for now. Not a bad neighborhood to stumble upon, right? And when Ashley sends me some of her travel photos I'm sure I'll be posting them... and then who knows where that adventure will take us!