You've Got Mail...

It has been WAY too long since I posted some lovely pieces of correspondence around here. It is, after all, one of my favorite obsessions. Let me show you what I'm currently coveting...

This may be the most perfect Mother's Day card ever - especially for my mother. Let's just say there was a lot of door slamming back when I was 15... but I think she's forgiven me, and I'm sure that there are moments she would love to have back (despite the teenage angst). Available on Etsy from Lizardpress.

I just discovered Linda & Harriett via Black*Eiffel, and I'm so glad because THIS card is my new most favorite.

My Seattle girls will attest to the fact that whenever we open a bottle of champagne, my friend Christy shouts out "Woo hoo!" and has trained us all to do so as well. It has, in fact, become a instinctive reaction so much so that I find myself shouting in restaurants and festive functions with people who are complete strangers who probably think me insane. What can I say? I love me some bubbly.

Finally, I just ordered these fun dinner party invitations from two guitars, also on Etsy, because when I saw them on my friend Sheena's blog (Totally Tabletops) I had to have them. Probably because they remind me of the slips we use to write up orders at my dad's restaurant. I can't wait to use them!