LA Ladies...

Last night I met up with Suzanne over at Simply Magic for a very fun evening of lots of girl and blog talk, and got a tour of her amazing home designed by Jamie & Ron of Woodson & Rummerfield!

Are you as jealous as I am that she lives in this gorgeousness?

I filled her in on the Design*Sponge biz ladies event that took place at DWR on Tuesday. It was a great event for the 100+ women who were there for advice on starting and growing your own business. It had nothing to do with growing your blog.

So, after way too much wine and conspiring, we thought... maybe we should do an event just for bloggers. And just for fun! So, LA ladies who blog... if you're interested, let me know! I'll be brainstorming some ideas and we'll see what we come up with.

In the meantime... if you are looking for blog advice, Ez over at Creature Comforts just posted a short little list of tips for advertising on blogs. Now that's useful advice!