A Portrait of My Own...


As most of you know, I've been a bit portrait obsessed in the last few months, and have been keeping my eyes open for a lovely lady to grace my walls (and possibly be the beginnings of a larger collection).

Well, my dears, let me present to you this sassy little madame...

I absolutely LOVE her. I found her this morning at the antique store just a few blocks away from me, and got her for a STEAL! She's the perfect size for my small bedroom, so I've placed her just above one of my bedside tables...

I think she makes a perfect compliment to my bottles of perfume and jewelry in a vintage ashtray... don't you think so?

I'm SO excited to finally have a portrait of my own! The hunt, however, will continue for more... (I know, I'm so selfish).

Have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you find time to do a little treasure hunting of your own!