Settling In

I'm not usually one for sparse interiors, but today these rooms seem appropriate...

When I moved to LA last summer, I decided to take six months to enjoy some California sunshine, get settled, and figure out what the next direction was for me in my life. I took a job in retail, knowing that my ultimate dream was (and still is) to own my own store/interior design studio someday. I learned so much from working with two extremely creative people (Michael & Annie) who taught me what it takes to build a business, keep it fresh and unique, and how much work it really is.

But eventually, what I really started to realize was that when you're trying to figure out a direction in life, you never actually feel settled.

An apartment had never felt more temporary. Relationships not quite worth investing in. In essence it felt a lot like these rooms. The start of something... but lacking little touches that show evidence of life, history and experiences. And that's not my style of living!

So, I made the decision to go back to work in the real world. (I mean, seriously people, I didn't have to be at work until 10:30 AM. This was not an easy thing to walk away from!)

But, starting Wednesday I will have a real job complete with commute, cubicle, and long hours. This, of course, means that my posts here might be a bit sporadic to say the least. Ideally, I'll be able to both. Realistically, I'll probably have to find a new routine to keep this up on a regular basis. But I WILL keep it up because another thing I've come to realize is how much I love my blog.

I love being inspired to share new and gorgeous finds (and knowing that you love them just as much!). I love getting inspired by others. I love every single time I get an email letting me know I have a comment. I love the people I've started to meet via blogging, the friends who have started their own blogs, and knowing that people around the world are reading these words. It's all amazing.

And, since 'All you need is love,' that's more than enough to keep me motivated to stick with coco+kelley, even if it means late nights and early mornings and Sunday blogging catch up sessions. So, I hope that you will be patient if I disappear for days on end or if my posts are quickies for the next month or so - but I promise... I'm not going anywhere. In fact, I've just started to settle in.


Luv & Ciao!


All images via Skona Hem