The Saga Continues

My dearest love Cassandra over at coco+kelley had her bff radar on overdrive because she posted about my radiator situation the same day I did, without the two of us even discussing it. And of course, being the style maven that she is, she had some brilliant suggestions, which in turn got me thinking about more I present them to you.

Here are additional pictures of my radiator in my livingroom. It sits at the back left corner of the room next to my bedroom door and next to the one large window. With all the natural light the corner has functioned as a reading nook up to this point (though changes might be afoot...) But back to the radiator issue.

If you've been following along, the livingroom began covered in pink wallpaper, perfectly color matched to my still pink radiator. The wallpaper is now a thing of the past, and while I'm desperate to have the radiator painted to coordinate with my new color scheme, until I come up with a less expensive way to get it done, I may have to resort to other solutions.

Cassandra brought up the idea of covering the radiator with a shelf which intrigued me. I have zero office space and perhaps I could create something a laptop could fit on. When I found this pic of Carrie's Sex In the City apartment, I knew I must be on the right track. I heart that show - can't wait for movie!

via Apartment Therapy

I have now learned there is also the option of simply covering the radiator up with custom radiator cabinets like this one. Eh?

via the radiator cabinet shop

Or I could go the route of making the radiator a focal point of the room by painting a pattern on it like they did in NYC and featured on AT. Not being the DIY queen, I have a feeling it wouldn't turn out so well for me though.

via apartment therapy

But then I come back around to how beautiful a well painted radiator can be. Check out this home featured on D*S. Maybe the investment would be worth it.

via designsponge

What to do, what to do? Only time, and the trajectory of my income, will tell.