In the attempt to combine two households the s.o. and I have realized that we do not have enough furniture to put our amass of stuff in or on and so the hunt begins for the perfect credenza/media cabinet/sideboard.
Question: can any of my decor experts define the difference?
Be it a sideboard or a credenza or whatever you want to call it, I'd love to bring home a unique and loved piece like this.
via doorsixteen
But because I am not the most patient of Craigslist shoppers, there are also the commercial options like this little beauty from West Elm. (btw, they define it as a sideboard)
But I'd prefer to find something with an original flavor. Something like a credenza for a bathroom sink!
via desire to inspire
Now that is a one-of-a-kind and I love it! Wish it were mine.
So I'm off to shop. Any tips?