Our Wedding Photos Debut!

It's official. I"m finally able to share our wedding photos! Thanks so much for being patient with me. It's actually fun to get to show them to you now since at this exact time last year we were in the thick of planning!

Head to Style Me Pretty, where the darlings Abby adn Erin have posted a great sampling of Jose Villa's beautiful work. You can also read a bit more detail about how we pulled everything together.

I also want to say a formal thank you to all of my fabulous vendors!

I got so much help from incredibly talented people including  Brown Sugar Design, Grace Edmands Caligraphy, Primele, Party Poms, Country Life Naturals and Paloma’s Nest. Our day would not have come together so beautifully without them.

Also, be sure to check back - I'm so excited to share even more photos and stories of some of my favorite moments from that amazing day!