Happy {Stylin'} Weekend

With the countdown to Alt Summit officially ON, the wardrobe planning is in full force. There will be closest assessment and reassessment going on this weekend.

It's time to get creative cuz this lady is on a budget!

There has been a lot of action on the blog this week so I thought I'd do a quick round up in case you missed any of it!

~ Our wedding photos made their grand debut on Style Me Pretty {thanks so much for all the sweet comments!}
~ I offered a little sneak peak into my purse
~ It's still winter, so you should still eat carbs

And if you're looking to snag some fabulous January deals be sure to check out my beloved Apartment 34 sponsors. For the fashionistas you Keri L. Designs, Promesse, GorjanaDressing on the Side, Wendy Mink and Dace. If you're looking to dress up your home don't miss Comfort & Samuel and Ralph's Grocery.

I'm also accepting sponsorship requests for February. Apartment 34 sponsorship options and rates are set with small creative businesses in mind so please let me know if you're interested!

Till Monday luvies,
*Mrs. E

image via patterson maker