The Treasures of Ms. Monroe

Just made available online by Vanity Fair ...

"At Frank Sinatra’s suggestion, Marilyn Monroe kept her life inside two filing cabinets—letters, invoices, financial records, and the mementos that meant the most to her."

"After her tragic death... the cabinets, together with an assortment of jewels, fur coats, and other personal belongings, were stashed away by the actress’s business manager, Inez Melson. This secret trove would remain virtually unknown to the world for more than four decades, until photographer Mark Anderson began an epic two-year project of documenting it."

"His photographs, made public for the first time, offer new insights into the life of Hollywood’s most iconic figure."

I love this idea of creating a time capsule of yourself. Choosing the most important things and saving them in a little area to be discovered someday... makes you think about what it is you would choose... and what would it say about you?