Confessions of a Blogger

As you may have noticed, I tend to feature a lot fantastical items on Apartment 34. The blog has become a bit of an escape for me. It's a make believe, perfect world, if only I could kind of place. Because who really wants to see the reality? Especially when you compare it with enviable realites of some of my favorite fellow bloggers. (if you want to be envious, check here and here).

But, I've been thinking why not throw the curtain back a bit? I suspect we all have quite a lot in common when it comes to what our lives really look like. So here goes. My first blogger confession:

This is my ideal bedside table: clean, organized, sparse, lovely.

via for me for you my idea bedside table
via for me for you

This is my actual bedside table: it is...well....the exact opposite of everything above. But at least it's very real.

I offer this peak into my reality only as a quick reminder that, while there might be a lot of things out there for you to covet or strive for, don't forget to notice the details in your daily life!