New York Weekend Recap {And A Jo Handbag Giveaway!}

Our jaunt to NYC flew by so quickly, I can hardly keep track of everything that went on. In a mere 48 hours I think I saw all of lower Manhattan while networking my little blogging butt off.

The festivities kicked off with an uber-glamorous dinner party thrown by the uber-glamorous lifestyle expert Kelley L. Moore. The lady outdid herself on the tabletop, I'm tellin' ya. Did you spot the personalized pop-art place cards?? Bah-nanas!


photos by me!

Not only was the whole Rue Crew and Cassandra there, but I also had the pleasure to meet Will of Bright Bazaar and Julie of Create Girl. Let me tell you, when bloggers get together, the good times flow ~ I've even got video to prove it!

On Monday, I had the privilege to go to HGTV headquarters for a hosted lunch with an even broader contingent of design bloggers. The best moment was listening to Melissa, the brilliantly hilarious mind behind the Lil Bee read her birth story to the whole room. It includes going into labor while in the midst of an HGTV interview!

design star emily henderson, rue mag founder crystal, melissa of lil bee

After lunch it was time to get gussied up and off to the Rue Magazine launch party! Another fabulous opportunity to put faces to blogger names. Here I am with Coco+Kelley and High Heeled Foot in the Door! I was also so thrilled to meet Mackenzie of Design Darling and Brook of Fabulous Doodle, among others.

 high heeled foot in the door, cocokelley and me, dress by Meme shoes from Aldo!

Caitlin and i, and the required shoe shot!

The husband and I did manage to squeeze in a romantic dinner at Mario Battali's Otto Pizzeria before we jetted back home.

Sadly, I didn't do any shopping in NYC for myself. However, I did pick up a giveaway for YOU, dear readers! New York based Jo Handbags have graciously provided my absolute favorite Niko bag to give away to a very very very lucky Apartment 34 reader.


So, run, don't walk to leave a comment on this post my dears. Be sure to include your contact info. Tweet about the contest and you'll get a second entry!

A winner will be chosen at random at 9:00 am on Monday, September 27!