Tasty Tuesday {Calling all New York Foodies!}

For this week's Tasty Tuesday, I'm humbly asking for help from you, dear readers. Well, help from anyone who lives in or at least has eaten well in New York City. The husband and I will be there for the first time in six years (!) next week so obviously my restaurant recommends are a tad out of date. I want to spend the vast majority of my visit sitting at cafe tables soaking up the last wisps of warm air I'll get to feel this year!

all photography by karen mordechai via sunday suppers

So I'm desperately looking to fill my itinerary with wonderful meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, late night, happy hour, you name it!

If you have a favorite hole in the wall, a glamorous must see and be seen, a great date spot, your most unforgettable dinner, the latest hot spot, best bakery or best cup of coffee in the city, please, I beg, let me in on your secret.

I promise I won't tell the masses!