Monday {Caped Crusader} Workwear

I have a number of fashion weaknesses (shoes, bags, jeans) and right up there among the top are coats. Maybe its because you can keep them for years. Or because they easily cycle through seasons, trends, regions of the world or times of day. It's the first thing people see when you arrive and the last thing they watch as you leave.

Your coat is one of the few pieces of your wardrobe that is actually required to survive the elements. So why not seize the opportunity and use it to make a statement? That's why I'm loving the cape trend this season. It creates quite the dramatic image.

via late afternoon2
33029003122412lo via dress design decor34sp1si via studded heartstumblr_l956zsybfy1qzbqbwo1_400 via everything fab
images via late afternoon, dress design decor, studded hearts, everything fabulous

I just love the level of sophistication combined with a great level of comfort, with a side of ease. So my dears, done your capes and have a wonderful week!

Oh, and there's still time to enter the Jo Handbag giveaway! The winner will be selected at 9:00 am PST. You don't want to miss this one.

Happy Monday luvies!
*Mrs. E