Happy Halloween!

Ok, I have to admit, I'm not a HUGE fan of Halloween. The pressure of a costume, and the fact that the weekend it's celebrated usually falls on my birthday, has always made it a bit dreaded in my mind. However... if you're gonna do it, you might as well do it right! If I had to pick a costume this year, this would be it, hands down!

Most of you know how obsessed I've been with peacocks and their patterns this fall, so really, what better ensemble to wear? This of course is Allison Sarofim at her infamous Halloween bash. Love the costume, hate the anorexic body. Eat something darling. The runner up?

So perfect for a home decor addict ;)

Anyone come up with a costume they LOVED this year? I'm pretty sure my all-time favorite is when I dressed up as Cyndi Lauper in the 3rd grade...