Missoni for the Floor?

My roommate and I have been searching for a couch... on Craigslist. IMPOSSIBLE! I was going to put up photos of some of the most hideous pieces I have ever seen with asking prices of $200 (!) but I don't want to ruin my blog or your appetite with them. Instead, here's what I've decided...

In our extremely small living room I want to cover the floor with these pieces from Missoni(found at auto)!

A few beanbags in the 'Dahlia' print...

And some floor cushions in various sizes covered in the 'Alice' pattern!

Throw in a few affordable floor pillows from Urban Outfitters in solid colors, and we're all set!

*sigh* ... ok, maaaaybe the Missoni is a little out of my league. Back to craigslist!