A Time For Thanks

It's officially November, which means it's almost time for my favorite holiday. I know its going to sound like a Ms. America speech, but there is nothing better to me than Thanksgiving ~ a time to enjoy good food with family and friends while we give thanks for the things that REALLY matter in life. This year it seems even more important to me than usual, so I've decided to replace my usual Christmas cards with Thanksgiving cards this year. It's a little unexpected, and a bit more from the heart.

These cards from Dauphine Press were the ones I chose. I loved the deep red and chartreuse green (a bit Christmas-ish, but not obviously so), and I loved the classic design.

If you're interested in doing the same thing (even if its just for a few closest friends) here are some of my other favorite 'thank you' cards I found along the way...

From left to right: ilee birds thank you (a favorite of mine, this gal is from Seattle and her desk calendars are my favorite), also from Dauphine a pretty little pattern. Spell it out for them with a definition from Sapling Press. A sweet modern piece from Michelle Brusegaard, and what might be the best boxed deal, a set of assorted birdie thank yous from turtle papers.

Another favorite for sending a little love anytime...

from EnfinLaViola.