The coco+kelley Birthday Wishlist!

Well, m'dears. I have been a very very bad blogger this week. Blame it on the fact that I was in Seattle 'til Tuesday, then came home to fires, lots of work, Red Sox World Series games, and complete exhaustion! BUT, I will not let the week go by without one more post! And seeing as today is my birthday, here are the top things I want RIGHT NOW! In no particular order...

Every girl should feel like a princess on her birthday, this crown is sure to do the trick. I found this one at Lucca in Seattle when I was there for a visit. I love the combination of colors in this throw and pillow from Missoni at auto. They would be perfect for my bedroom! The Jaipur collection from Albert Pinto is almost as gorgeous as my favorite Hermes china pattern, but the yellow puts it over the top! I cannot get enough of the Foley and Corinna bags at shopbop, and the natural leather is my fave.

This chandelier by artist Justin Guinta is another piece from auto that would be gorgeous in my bedroom... not to mention each one is an original. One of my favorite dresses from fashion week by Charles Nolan, I love the colors! Any piece from Caleb Siemon would be gorgeous, but this vase matches my decor the best.

I'm in desperate need of a couch, and I adore this retro classic style with tufting in a warm brown from Mitchell+Williams. Yummy fragrances from Jo Malone to mix and match throughout the seasons ~ my favorite combo is Tuberose and Grapefruit. Flowers! Duh! This black and white bouquet is especially gorgeous with subtle pinks. The vintage horseshoe ring I found via Design*Sponge last month... I'm SO in love with it! Plus, opal is my birthstone. I might have to have one made. The Chanel porcelain watch. Have you put this piece on your wrist? It's amazing. Absolutely AMAZING.

My lamps from Shine that I blogged about last week. I really need an ipod shuffle for the gym. And I REALLY need it in gold ;) I have a little obsession with rings because they're the only jewelry i switch out everyday and will actually wear on a regular basis. The Dior oui ring says it all. And c'mon, who couldn't use some Veuve on the go?

Ok, so really, all these things are wonderful, but what I want more than anything is these damn fires all over California to go away (they're slowly dying out), for my boyfriend to visit me next weekend (we're going wine tasting in Temecula!), to celebrate with my closest friends (done and done), for the Red Sox to win the World Series (two games up, and I think the chances are good!), and for 27 to be a great year... is that too much to ask? I didn't think so! Here's hoping you all have a wonderful weekend, and if you need an excuse to pop some champagne, just blame it on me ;) Cheers!!