Portrait Perfect

There's something about a portrait that is so intriguing to me. You have to wonder... who was this girl? And what's her story? I've been lusting over this very simple (yet ridiculously priced) portrait from the Woodson and Rummerfield showroom since seeing it a few months ago...

I just think she's so cute... and of course I'm partial to brunettes, being one myself. Not to mention the 1950's style. *sigh* So, I thought I'd peruse ebay to see if I could find anything even slightly similar, and came up with a few interesting pieces.

Starting bid? Only $9.95, and I love that the painting is a little worn out and damaged. You can bid on her here

There's nothing cute and glamorous about this piece, but I still thought she was interesting... bids start at $49

This little girlie makes me giggle! Definitely more along the lines of what I was looking for, but not my style (or hair color), or price range. She starts at $275.