Eco Wrapping!

After my last post, I received a great question from Nunu Pepe (great blog!) asking for suggestions on eco-friendly paper. When you think about how much paper gets tossed every year around the holidays, I can imagine that if all of us used alternatives it could make a great impact.

I did some research and while many places offered options like wrapping your presents in fabric (much easier to re-use every year) or getting crafty with grocery bags, magazines, and other things I remember using to cover my books in high school (cute, but not exactly what I had in mind), I did manage to find one place that offered recycled paper that is actually COOL.

Fish Lips design has some very fun patterns to choose from. These two are cute for the holidays, but some of their other designs could work just as well too!

For more ways to make your Christmas a very green one, check out these resources!

Real Simple featured some alternate wrapping ideas for the holidays, noting that "Household waste increases 25 percent between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. In the United States, trash from wrapping paper and shopping bags totals 4 million tons." Yikes!

Using newspaper with lush ribbons makes it work!

Wrap presents in other presents - two gifts in one! I use this tactic a lot, actually, and while it can ruin the 'surprise' element, it always turns out beautiful!

Some blogs for great green ideas...

Inhabitat's green holiday gift guide, ecoFabulous who always features "sustainable sexy stuff", and simply green for everyday ideas.

If anyone else has some good ideas for ways to make the holidays more green, post 'em up!